The Art of Tech
Why Office 365 is vital to the modern office
In the ever-changing office, many businesses continue to invest in technology frozen in time – the hint is in the title, such as Office 2016 or Office 2019. But Office 365 is constantly updating.
Protect your data in 5 simple steps
Data security is becoming an increasingly important concern for businesses of all sizes. Find out how to protect your data with this five-step plan.
The future of two-factor authentication
Two-factor authentication is a must to protect your company’s data, systems and network from outside eyes, and biometric scanning is the future.
5 technologies set to change government
Governments are embracing new technologies to deliver far-reaching economic and social benefits for their citizens, underpinning the digital economy.
Does classroom technology hurt or help student learning?
In a tech rich world, the debate over classroom computers can easily lead to deep divisions of opinion. Find out what the research says.
Work faster and smarter with Windows 10 for business
There’s a whole range of reasons why Windows 10 makes sense for business users, not least the familiar interface, enhanced security and unified experience across multiple devices.